July 10 - 20, 1972
First Row (Left to Right): Bob Sansing, G. M. Sutton, Bubba Shanahan, Ray Goss, Don Alphin, Sam Perry
Second Row (Left to Right): D. A. McClain, Bill Steen, Bill Chandler, TBD #2, George Williams
Third Row (Left to Right): Bud Rowley, W. H. Tipton, Jack Simpson, Pete Bridges
xxx xx - xx, 1972
First Row (Left to Right): Merrill Taylor, Bill Duren, John Rancken, Jimmy Owens, Roger Popwell, Ted Greene, Bill Crawford
Second Row (Left to Right): James Smith, Bill Aultman, Dave Wood, Harry Borden, Ira Tucker, Joe Phillips, Jim Garren, Jerry Love
First Row: TBD #1, O .B. Mathews, TBD #2, TBD #3, Herman Heard, TBD #4
Second Row: TBD #5, Charley Williams, TBD #6
Third Row: J. Phil Day, Troy Davis, Doug Fowler, Bob Ward, TBD #7
Management Seminars
Dedicated to Friends, Past and Present
xxx xx - xx, 1972
First Row (Left to Right): Steve Benz, Lamar Naron, Nathan Ward, TBD#3, Martha Bost, Graham McDonald, Richard Samay
Second Row (Left to Right): Harold Upton, Andy Ford, Allan Kelley, Bill Berry, Ernest Perkins, Johnny Kelly, Leon Foster, Tom Caswell
First Row (left to right): Francis Croom, Gene Hill, Betty Williams, Billy Gayle, Mimi Davenport, Fred Parham, Earl Shemwell.
Second Row (left to right): Jim Hogan, Jack White, Lloyd Dailey, Forrest Whaley, Dave Clem, Bob Ferguson, Jim McQuinn.