From left to right is Betty Sue Clifton Yandell, Rose Manton Keel, Ellen Watson Bradford, Maida Smith Pearson Smith and Mary Frances Pryor Sarosdy.
Barbarba Hood 's daughter (Barbara is deceased) joined us for lunch. Jean Hood was unable to attend because of recent back surgery. Our husbands joined us and a good time was had by all. Betty Sue and Maida live in Memphis, Ellen is the housemother at the U. of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Rose lives in Pt. Clear, AL and I (Mary) live in Pensacola, FL. We were so happy to hear about the reunion and hope there will be another one soon.
Mary Frances Pryor Sarosdy
Dedicated to Friends, Past and Present
Stewardess Reunion - May 14, 1988
Thought you might like to know the weekend you were having your reunion in Atlanta some of us old stews from the early 50,s were having a reunion in Memphis where we were all stationed during '52, 53, 54 and 55.
Didn't know about the one you were having until we all gathered at Maida Pearson Smith's for the weekend. Enclosed is a picture of the 5 of us .